© Bill Watterson and/or Universal Press Syndicate

All Calvin and Hobbes artwork is copyright ©1985-1996 by Bill Watterson, possibly assigned to Universal Press Syndicate, all rights reserved. They were scanned from the collections, which you can buy here. Their copyright pages bear the notice that "no part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of reprints in the context of reviews."

I hold that my quiz constitutes a review of the books that happens to be couched in the form of a quiz, since it makes the same sorts of points a review might typically make, and that the reprinting of excerpts from the strips in those books, in the context of my quiz and my review, is therefore permitted under the copyright notice, even without express permission.

Please do not copy or use the cartoons in violation of the copyright. For information, contact the official web site.

Bob Kanefsky ~ < K a n e f @ S o n g w o r m . c o m >